We provide real-time decision support in multiple electricity markets
Adjust your positions dynamically to the power system in order to stay ahead of the algotraders.

What we do
We optimize your assets over multiple markets. In real-time.
Hydropower Plant Operators
Whether you manage run-of-the-river plants, seasonal storage, or pumped storage facilities, we help you maximize the potential of your flexibility, ensuring optimal market participation and returns.
Wind Power Plant Operators
From large off-shore wind farms to smaller on-shore sites, we provide tailored strategies to help you hedge effectively, manage market risks, and minimize the impact of asset-specific volatility, avoiding costly balancing penalties.
Solar Power Plant Operators
Regardless of your plant's size or location, we offer solutions that ensure you can effectively hedge and trade, staying ahead of market volatility while avoiding costly balancing measures. With Versiro, you stay ahead of the (duck-)curve.
Virtual Power Plant Aggregators
We empower you to strategically position your virtual power plants in the market, leveraging data-driven insights and optimization tools for enhanced performance and market positioning.
BESS operators
Optimize your charging strategies to capitalize on price arbitrage opportunities, manage market fluctuations, and enhance profitability through strategic energy trading.
Demand Aggregators
Whether managing flexible or inflexible loads, we enable you to control your demand-side variability, optimizing your position in energy markets and enhancing profitability.
Other Flexible Assets
For assets with the ability to adjust output based on market conditions, we provide optimization strategies that help you respond effectively to market opportunities, ensuring efficiency and improved market positioning.
Other Inflexible Assets
We support any inflexible assets in navigating market dynamics, optimizing operations, and maximizing returns.